Apple IIgs with Monitor / Floppy Drives and Hard Drive (Boxed) May 18th, 2014 xAD / nIGHTFALL Leave a comment Go to comments Autopsy Apple IIgs / Keyboard (A2S6000W) : As I have 200+ games & other programs for this computer it brings me back to pleasant times. Assuming you don't have the Software List library, you can use MAME like any other Apple II emulator with the disk images you already have. After a faster processor and larger amounts of memory, the next solution many Apple II users wanted was disk storage beyond the 143K offered by the Disk II drive. My feelings towards the IIGS started changing a few months ago. There are other volumes that have as much hard drive installable software to get you going as quickly as possible with IIGS specific wares. A friend of mine was looking to replace her Power Mac 8500 because the SCSI controller on her machine had failed. 22,59 EUR. 2 490,00 EUR. On a IIGS with the Floppy Emu under Smartport emulation mode, this is as easy as putting two files on your SD card: a 32 MB smart0.PO containing GS/OS 6.0.1, and a larger (up to 2 GB) smart1.PO formatted as an HFS volume, containing whatever other files you want. Large Volume DOS 3.3 support is provided through the use of a program called DOS.MASTER (preloaded on CF Card). For the IIc Plus and IIGS, you can boot a 3.5" disk image by using the switch -flop3. I happened to have a nice old Power Mac 8600, and she offered me a trade. So, here is what I have & my problem/question. Boot Options: By default, Volume 1 is set to boot. Disclaimer: All contents found on the Macintosh Repository website is uploaded by fans and is known to be abandonware but if you find copyrighted material on this archive, please let us know and a moderator will remove it. While many Apple II faithful are handy with a soldering iron and can boast to have modified their TranswarpGS or ZipGSX beyond their default clock rate, … : wish to use a HFS partition on my Apple IIGs external hard disk. I have a Woz Limited Edition Apple IIgs with a Internal 100MB hard drive. Apple 5.25" Disk Drive A9M0107 SN# KFW6373 (SERIAL NUMBER TO DRIVE AND BOX ARE MATCHING) 1987: January - Apple Computer introduces the Apple Platinum IIe. ", Ehman Offers 2 SCSI Hard Drives for the Mac Plus, "Apple Hard Disk 20SC: Specifications (Discontinued)", "Hard Disk 20: Specification (Discontinued)", "ProFile Hard Drive: Specifications (Discontinued)", "Apple HD SC: Specifications (Discontinued)", Apple Hard Disk 20SC Owner's Guide (1986),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 July 2020, at 22:52. Apple IIe; Apple IIGS via: Apple IIGS; Design firm: Apple Inc. System 6.0.1 Hard Drive Image at What is the Apple IIGS - discovered something interesting Showing 1-5 of 5 messages. MegaTerm is available, along with every other type of comms app for the IIGS, on a Communications 32meg volume on the homepage of What is the Apple IIGS? It has a SCSI card installed but the hard drive it came with does not work. You did it backwards. I'll admit it: I'm no expert with hardware. You could use AppleWin or any other Apple II emulator to make a boot image in conjunction with the System Utilities too. Since the Apple IIGS was the first Apple product to debut in the new gray color they called Platinum, the 20SC had to both match it and the beige color of the Macintosh Plus, which it is designed to sit perfectly beneath. A former moderator for an Apple II group on Compuserve contributed his library of software to us. The only real downside of it is you can't easily mix Smartdrive emulation mode with having physical floppy drives online at the same time.
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