These bars cost me about $13 for both, including tax. Today, people obviously don’t need to drop silver coins into their water to experience colloidal silver benefits. Almost impossible to get a low enough TDS of silver on the first go. Colloidal Silver Truth! Thus, the reaction is much faster while still maintaining very small particle size (or silver ions) due to the electrical current potential being distributed across the entire surface of the coins. You should do more than just watch a fer videos on YouTube before putting stuff out. The grey cloudy look is all the silver that is in the water. Did you make this project? All machines that make colloidal silver by electrolysis do so by making Ionic Silver Oxide which is then reduced to elemental silver in a colloidal form. That isn't too expensive. This is useless for your purposes, so back off the reaction next time and keep the particle sizes small. 9 months ago, I've made colloidal silver ,but has no taste, the silver that I have purchased has a taste, could you help me out, Question The only concerning item is aluminum, at 252 ppb, which is a tiny fraction of the levels often seen in other supplements, by the way. Items you need: I may just set up that experiment, and drop a dime in one 2-Liter and use another as a control. Reply Its use as a natural antibiotic continued all the way until the 1940s, when modern antibiotics arrived. How to use silver supplements: Safety First: Certain forms of silver are unstable (i.e., they are excreted without being absorbed by the body), and they come with increased toxicity risks. Tagged Under:
6 years ago Happy silver generating! If we consider making colloidal silver at a strength of 10 PPM, for example, 1 ounce of silver wire could make theoretically 100,000 ounces or 1500 gallons of colloidal silver. of 5 parts per million (ppm) colloidal silver once or twice per day. make some colloidal silver and keep it handy. The effects are not the same at all:- colloidal silver is a solution of silver nanoparticles: literally small pieces of silver.- ionised silver is quite the same but silver nanoparticles lose one electron, turning them into Ag+ ions. Lead, Mercury and Cadmium = 0 ppb, (Note: ppb = parts per billion = nanograms per milliliter = ng/ml). Tip 27 volts can be achieved with ease. 4 years ago, 6 years ago Now it’s here: Full step-by-step instructions and a demonstration of how to make your own colloidal silver using standard silver coins. What’s the usefulness of making your own colloidal silver? This greatly reduces infections and mold spores. on Introduction. Fill the glass with distilled water, leaving some head room. If you’re considering making your own, here are some suggestions: DIY Steps to make your own colloidal silver. I just made my own colloidal silver for the first time. Another great way to tell what you’ve actually created is to take your resulting colloidal silver liquid and put it in a dark container for 10 days. Also, gonna need to buy TDS solution to keep the meter in calibration. Secondary applications include making your own hand sanitizer, gargle, nasal spray, wound gels, burn bandage sprays, etc. Colloidal silver Gel, a practical method of application of colloidal silver, you can easily mix your own colloidal silver gel. (Yes, sleep), Reduce back pain with these tips … plus effective exercises for improving posture, Heart attack survivors can benefit from staying active, advise health experts, No more excuses: Even short bursts of exercise offer many health benefits, researchers advise, Getting a daily dose of exercise can boost the brain power of obese and overweight individuals, If you work out, you need magnesium: It promotes recovery after strenuous exercise. That can be achieved by controlling the current. They are marked Nemo's and stamped .999 FINE SILVER. A thicker wire will make more batches, as it wears down slowly. Never let the two silver coins touch, obviously. You can add beautiful blooms to your home, knowing that they will easily last twice with the addition of some colloidal silver in the vase. Buy a total dissolved solids meter for 100 bucks or so. Also, the farther you have them apart, the slower the reaction will be. solid silver bars from a coin dealer. So we know the actual elemental composition of the finished product when using standard silver eagles from the U.S. mint. Thank you. 7 years ago This is about how I make colloidal silver and a few of the many things we use it for. For the most part, you can find pure silver coins at a coin shop or the local mint at varying prices and amounts. Also make sure the gator clips you attach to the silver rods do NOT touch the distilled water or yo will be adding that metal to the mix also. Both Nigeria and Sierra Leone have told the US it does not have authority to tell them not to use colloidal silver and are treating Ebola patients with it, and reporting good results. The early Greeks noticed that the wealthy people (who used silver utensils) seemed to never get sick as did the common folk. Apparatus cost about $20, plus your silver wire or Canadian Silver Maple coins which are .9999 fine silver. (Optional) A laser pointer to check the colloidal silver concentration. Also check out for more news. 2 ft. common electric wire (any laying around in the house) Silver of such extreme purity typically only contains the impurities of copper and selenium, in trace amounts. One of the items that we keep in our medicine cabinet is our own colloidal silver. 150 ppm is way too high Diluting is NOT the answer. Hi, I don't think this process generates proper "colloidal silver", but ionic silver. This is an old video. We currently only recommend using this topically or to help sanitize surfaces, farm animal areas, dog beds, etc. What you need to measure this is called a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter. Used for First Aid Remedy. Reply On the right a 20ppm Ionic Silver. 2 pure silver coins (the Canadian Silver Maple Leaf has 1.2 oz. Dang… guess I’ll have to go through life as a white boy instead. Keep the application times short so that you’re creating primarily ionic silver, with only a few nanoparticles. You’ll need: – 8-12 oz glass jar – Ultrafine silver wire or bullion (.999)* – 3 9v batteries – 3 9v battery terminal clip snap-ons – 2 small alligator clips. Making colloidal silver out of silver coins is vastly superior to using silver wire because the coins have far more surface area. Anyways, measure the TDS of the water before you add silver and again after you add the silver, subtract the first reading from the second. I can control the current so that it is no greater than 1 milliamp. Here is how I make my own colloidal silver. This is true even for first-time users of colloidal silver. In other words, the composition of the resulting liquid is largely nutritive minerals, with very low concentrations of anything concerning. If the water turns brown, then you’ve got way too high a concentration of large nanoclusters. A glass (for the electrolysis) no plastic or metal containers Please take article down the inaccuracies hurt credibility of all you do. The closer together, the faster. They're not super cheap, but it will keep you from turning your skin blue with too high a silver content. Never store colloidal silver anywhere that light can reach it. Here's how I bent the silver bars so they would fit on the side of the vase I use to make our colloidal silver. to learn that since the 1860s people have been making "colloidal silver" using different methods, but there is one method which makes the best colloidal silver. (This is our new feature for premium videos where registration is required to access the full video. Don’t over-do the silver generating. Use the red laser to know when you have the CS done.. Do NOT ever put salt or any other substance or chemical in the distilled water if you intend to make colloidal silver, especially not if you intend to ingest it. Thanks for all the comments guys. Coins contain a variety of metals that should not be consumed, so never use silver coins for colloidal silver manufacture. The result is beautiful!!! I have tried it twice and can't get it to look like it is supposed to look like. I think I have a problem though, I knocked the wire rod when I was removing it and the seaweed like particles all fell off into the solution. It is very good for use as an anode. Aluminum = 252 ppb If you don't have silver wire, bullion silver 99.9 can be used, held in the water with alligator clips. Colloidal Silver Making Directions., Free registration is required. 9 months ago. You decide, try it yourself.It is tiny nanoparticles of silver suspended/dissolved in water. Here's what the silver bar looks like when it's properly bent and placed on my colloidal silver generator. Rural Texans use silver solutions to treat infections in their farm animals, including eye infections, by the way. Then lets say you have 2 cups of colloidal silver at 90 ppm (original tds reading minus added silver tds reading). You don't need a box for the apparatus or soldering anything. Should I throw it away and start again? I am always available to talk, and teach. Colloidal is the form of choice since the body must convert a crystalline solution to colloidal form before it can be used. You are using wire instead of rod. This is not necessary for short runs. Will this be a good choice? You will be creating Silver Salts this way. Facebook is pure evil! A bit of electric tape. 1 foot was about 15$ i sat there waiting and waiting for the wire to arrive.. i over looked it and it was sitting in a pile of my bills for more than a week lol well now that i have my wire i cut it in half(two 6" pieces) and wired up some leads to some alligator clips to connect to a 9v batter. Both of which are beneficial to health in these small quantities. Getting silver isn't a problem, as I collect silver rounds, and have several dollars-worth of 90% silver US coins, including dimes, quarters, halves and dollars. Saline (eyewash drops) $2-3.00 You need to dilute the crap out of the original batch that you make. Instructions: 1. This size is also lethal to pathogens and yet harmless to all mammalian cells. We are not currently recommending this solution for internal ingestion, by the way. When these Ions interact with other compounds they can turn in many kind of chemicals (AgCl, etc) some of them may be harmful (the blue skin and stuff)Tip: if your Silver solution turns dark in the light, it's not colloidal silver but ionized silver. Nickel = 52 ppb You can but it most coin shops, pawn shops as well, not to mention the money exchange for any foreign travelers! How can I achieve a specific PPM? Can someone help me with this: Scarce 1985 1oz .999 Fine Silver Jelenko Dental Health Products Silver Art Bar. And an adequate TDS .meter doesn't cost no $100 ! Yes, it is true and research-proven! If you brush the silver mix onto a single node, that node alone will produce a male pollen sack. The reducing agent does this naturally at exactly the size required, approx 14 nm. The primary benefit of making colloidal silver is to piss off the FDA. Make it because you can. When you consider the fact that when we make colloidal silver, the result is a liquid solution with silver in parts per million (PPM), it makes no sense to try to economize on this. drink a glass or two in the first sign of sniffles (of you or your people.) 9 months ago. In 2014, scientists discovered that particles of colloidal silver block the activity of certain bacteria which prevent moisture and nutrients from being taken to a flower’s head. Zinc = 750 ppb Then you flip (+) and (-) as the other one remains thicker. so i ordered some 14 guage 99.99% silver wire. Just make sure that only the silver is in the water, and the clips are well OUT of it. My guess is, if you want to make it, you probably know what is does, and how it has been used for the last 3,000 years. Copper = 25 ppb On the left is a 20ppm Colloidal Silver. If you purchase colloidal silver please do your research on the company and manufacturer and understand that the making of colloidal silver is not something that is standardized or regulated by the FDA. Colloidal Silver: This recipe/make has been around for a long time. What am I doing wrong. BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide, Magnesium and osteoporosis: 10 Reasons why magnesium could prevent osteoporosis, Natural and alternative remedies found to improve asthma symptoms, Study: Biodynamic preparations could have a positive effect on the chemical compounds of mulberry leaves, Drinking a cup of coffee daily can help reduce liver cancer risk, Regular exercise can bring long-term relief from pain caused by arthritis, Distilled or deionized water (you can use collected rainwater in a pinch, as its distilled by nature), Three 9V batteries (which creates 27V in series), Two silver coins (US Mint, 99.9% purity is the standard), Two pieces of rigid wire that can be cut from a metal wire clotheshanger, Two alligator clip wires that can connect the battery terminals to the silver coins, A tiny amount of baking soda to provide some small amount of conductivity to the water just to get the reaction started (this is literally. Takes about 5 minutes and you’re ready to go. Reply Cancer and circadian rhythm: Can chronotherapy benefit patients with cancer? $10-25.00, depending on gauge, a thin one will do fine. Silver, interestingly, is toxic to bacteria. Will it be safe to consume with the particles in? My guess is, if you want to make it, you probably know what is does, and how it has been used for the last 3,000 years. Instructions in the video. Colloidal silver, used as a supplement, has very few, if any, negative side effects. Some ridicule it, some turn blue, others sing its praises. All you need to do is carefully take a few drops from a bottle that you buy at the store. 9 months ago antibacterial, bugout, Colloidal Silver, emergency medicine, gear, how-to, natural antibiotics, SHTF, silver, silver coins, survival, survival medicine, Natural ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, Full video now released: How to make your own colloidal silver using silver coins, step by step, An unlikely connection: 4 Reasons why your lower back hurts when you cough, Mediterranean diet found to ameliorate symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Carbo-loading is necessary only if you’re an endurance athlete, explains a health expert, 5 Simple (and healthy) ways to keep cancer cells at bay, Even if you’re slim, cutting down on calories can improve overall health, Coffee versus matcha: Which gives you better sleep? of .9999 pure silver) ... Unplug the units, remove the coins, thoroughly clean off the residue and store them until you need them for making colloidal silver again. The registration subscribes you to the Brighteon email newsletter, which is going to feature twice-a-week updates of the most banned videos — very cool and useful newsletter.). To share this story, you’ll need to find it at this link at and share it from there. Please read this and learn something. So how do I make Colloid silver & not the Ionic one? Note: Evil Facebook is blocking this story from being shared in order to protect Big Pharma and the lucrative antibiotic drugs industry. If you see clouds, you’ve gone too far. This, in turn, allows silver coins to be transformed into: I put a potentiometer and a multimeter in series with 3 9v batteries. They literally want you to die from lack of knowledge…. Any buds you have remaining are safe to consume. 3 9V batteries ( about $ 10) 1 ft silver wire, 999.99 pure . According to the lying lamestream media, if you drink just one drop of ionic silver, you will be instantly transformed into a solid blue Smurf. If you want your unit to have more power, you can use six batteries joined in this fashion. 150 ppm solution should do the trick. Selenium = 72 ppb The cream/gerl can be used to treat many skin conditions, from dry and peeling skin to acne and fungal-infected sores.When colloidal silver gel is applied in gel form, it ensures that the colloidal silver maintains contact with the skin and stays where it is applied ., I am not a big coins collector or know much about silver. (Smaller silver particles are more effective.). Magnesium = 229 ppb To secure the battery unit, wrap in electrical tape. on Introduction. If after 10 days, it’s still completely clear with no discoloration, it’s ionic silver. If you choose to drink this, you do so at your own risk. Colloidal silver gel is a must-have for your first aid kit. It is generally safe to take 1 to 2 tbsp. This is an art bar and it is .999 fine. I use vinegar to clean the beaker and the .9999 silver rods (purchased from eBay). Clouds are large nanoparticles, actually. Colloidal silver solutions are sold commercially, but they often come at a premium cost and are actually primarily used for drinking (at much lower concentrations than you would use for a marijuana plant). We don’t currently recommend that you drink this solution, because doing so would piss off the FTC, and we wouldn’t want that. Throw it out and start over. 8 months ago 1 year ago Arsenic = 3 ppb Even more exciting is the fact that we lab-tested the resulting colloidal silver water via ICP-MS, in my private laboratory. That composition, based on under 10 minutes of generating time using the instructions in the video: Silver = 36,000 ppb (36 ppm) Question In addition, silver coins can be used to inexpensively manufacture colloidal silver using very simple objects such as batteries, clothespins and a mason jar (full details below). My product was cloudy grey because the particles were too large and too many. How many batches can you make from a silver wire? Silver has been known for thousands of years as a killer of pathogens. Aluminum can also be removed from your body by consuming silicon in the form of Orthosilicic Acid (OSA), which is found naturally in horsetail herb. Amount of silver? About: Jack of all trades and master of several, you will find me usually tackling a couple of projects at a time, usually successfully (unless something blows up), How to Survive Your First Winter With Houseplants, RC Arduino Domino Layer With Bluetooth App Control. I bought two 1 oz. Then all you have to do is do a little math and adding 4 more cups of water will get you to 6 cups at 30 ppm of silver content. Question Colloidal Silver is the most potent disinfectant and antiseptic, and on-contact killer of viruses, bacteria, fungi and all kinds of germs. (Optional) A very small aquarium bubbler to create agitation in the water. Just click the “Get Access” button on the bottom right corner of the video trailer to enter your email and access the full video. Even so, finding pure silver of any kind isn’t exactly cheap. Is this real .999 silver or just an art bar. You'll probably be able to make more than you'll ever need for medicinal purposes with these two coins. .I want a clear liquid of low ppm (10-15) of very small particles. At Silver Living Tech we use that method. If you apply electricity for too long, you’ll start to see “clouds” of silver particles in the water. Just connect your batteries in series to get 27 Volt. You can use a TDS water meter to track the concentration of the silver as you’re making it. twist the wires and cover with electric tape. And don’t use too much baking soda, or your reaction will start out way too strong, creating large silver clusters which will turn the water yellow or brown. 3 years ago. Answer BTW, you are making Ionic Silver, not a Colloid. Since you can make it yourself and you need no prescription, you will not see it on TV -- ever! Its advocates claim that it’s an effective treatment for all sorts of infections and diseases, ranging from the common cold to cancer. High purity is vital, because most metals are extremely detrimental to the health. on Introduction. Avoid the Ripp-Offs! Stop. I don't use saline anymore, and for the last few years I use a computer adapter instead of batteries, like Techie88310 suggests in his post. Does anyone relate or know what could be wrong? You can thank God, nature, or biochemistry depending on your preference. Share it with us! In this video I show you how to extract silver from a coin or other metallic material. 4 small alligator clamps ( $6 for 4 at the hardware store) Watch the video trailer at the link below, then click “Get Access” on the lower right corner of the video to access the full how-to video: Here’s a quick rundown of the supplies you’ll need to make this yourself: Watch the full video to see the complete steps: Click on “Get Access” on the lower right corner of the video to enter your email and get full access for free. Step 4: Assemble the Unit Place the silver wires in the holes of the bridge and fasten with alligator clips. I will say about 10-12 before the wire becomes too thin. on Introduction. 6 months ago. This means you can now stockpile silver coins as both a store of real wealth and as potential to create natural medicine… at the same time! Scroll up to my earlier comments. Colloidal Silver is the most potent disinfectant and antiseptic, and on-contact killer of viruses, bacteria, fungi and all kinds of germs. Lives may depend on it. Clay pot, lemon juice, copper, and and an iron rod, aka “The Baghdad Battery”. Colloidal silver is a popular alternative therapy. When you are done, clean the oxidized wire with a rough cloth or soda, and store all the pieces in a zip-lock bag until next time. Depends on the wire gauge. You might want to read our article 14 Ways to Make Colloidal Silver. on Introduction. Iron = 399 ppb Personally, I make gallons of this at home and use it to spray down my chicken brooders, hatcheries and nesting areas. It’s also great to have on hand when traveling. Silver wire is a poor choice for making silver solutions, it turns out. We’ve been teasing about this how-to video for several weeks. Store colloidal silver in glass, away from light. Above all, cleanliness is imperative! It shows that you’re way beyond the ionic silver stage and you’re creating large silver clusters, which is undesirable. How to make Colloidal Silver using a few 9V batteries or a DC wall power supply. The first use of colloidal silver for medical reasons was by a surgeon in 1891, who used it to clean wounds. Supplies you’ll need to make colloidal silver out of silver coins. But if it has turned even slightly yellowish, then it contains more nanoparticle silver (larger clusters). While I appreciate your attempt to help, I have since done some research and find out that what you suggest is not acceptable. Taken in moderation, it is a powerful adjunct to our immune systems, by killing harmful disease-causing organisms, and aids healing. So if this has been used for 3000 years, how was it made then? The substance is silver oxide. on Introduction. So, if you're going to do this, it's best to remember that the content of silver in the water shouldn't be too high. I tried that myself, hoping it would work, but it didn’t. What is the PPM of the final solution? Distilled water $0.99 Reply After only 2 hours there is an ugly grey cloudy look with black sediment in the bottom of the jar. Over time, light will turn the entire thing into a gray liquid of silver nanoparticles, which is a lot less useful than ionic silver. Time? If you are making your own colloidal silver solution, you can purchase a TDS 3 meter which will indicate the concentration of silver particles in the final solution. I'm not sure what the most effective level is, but 30 parts per million (ppm) seems to do the trick. Remember, the longer you apply electricity, the larger the particle size gets and the higher the silver concentration becomes. You can then use that pollen to pollinate the same plant for fem seeds. When particles are small enough the resulting liquid will be clear. Apply to minor cuts, burns, scrapes, bites, and bruises. 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