Ramon Eduardo Arellano Félix (August 31, 1964 – February 10, 2002)[1] was a Mexican drug lord who alongside his brothers founded and led the Tijuana Cartel (a.k.a. Ramon Arellano Felix Ramon Arellano Félix (August 31, 1964 – February 10, 2002) was a Mexican drug trafficker whom authorities linked to The Tijuana Cartel (aka the Arellano-Félix Organization). Fue el último de los hermanos extraditado en el sexenio de Felipe Calderón. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 30 set 2020 alle 23:54. Omar Eduardo Moreno Gutiérrez e Iván Jesús Rodríguez, integrantes del Cártel de los Arellano Félix, recibieron de un juez federal una sentencia condenatoria de 134 años y 10 meses de prisión por su responsabilidad en los delitos de posesión de armas de fuego de uso exclusivo de las Fuerzas Armadas y privación ilegal de la libertad en la modalidad de secuestro agravado. Fazioni rivali del Cartello di Tijuana hanno combattuto a colpi di arma da fuoco nelle prime ore del mattino, è stata una delle più sanguinose sparatorie nella guerra messicana per il narcotraffico che dura ormai da tre anni. Il cartello è stato descritto come "uno dei più grandi e più violenti gruppi criminali messicani". He was believed to be one of the most violent leaders of the Arellano-Felix Organization (AFO), which is … Il Cartello di Tijuana o Organizzazione Arellano Felix è una organizzazione criminale messicana originaria di Tijuana dedita al narcotraffico. They were in international waters 25 km (16 mi) off the coast of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. Eduardo Arellano Félix was charged in the U.S. Southern District of California with conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana. [2], Standing 188 cm (6 foot 2 inch) and 100 kg (220 lb), Ramon Arellano Félix was allegedly one of the most ruthless members of the cartel and was a suspect in various murders. The family was related to an alleged associate of the Arellano Félix Cartel. Ramon Arellano Félix (August 31, 1964 – February 10, 2002) was a Mexican drug trafficker whom authorities linked to the Tijuana drug cartel (aka the Arellano-Félix Organization). Eduardo Ramón fue detenido en octubre de 2008 en Tijuana, Baja California, y extraditado a EU en 2012. Así era la casa de Eduardo Arellano Feliz, uno de los narcos más peligrosos de México. RAMON EDUARDO ARELLANO-FELIX was charged in a sealed indictment in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of California, with Conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana. Il 18 settembre del 1997, Ramón Arellano Félix divenne il 451° ad essere aggiunto dall'FBI nella lista dei dieci latitanti più ricercati. La actividad criminal de Arellano Félix ''tuvo consecuencias terribles a largo plazo'', dice el juez federal. Il Cartello di Tijuana è inoltre conosciuto come Organizzazione Arellano Felix (AFO), dal momento in cui arrivò al comando la famiglia di Ramón Eduardo Arellano Félix.Il 18 settembre del 1997, Ramón Arellano Félix divenne il 451° ad essere aggiunto dall'FBI nella lista dei dieci latitanti più ricercati.. L'organizzazione ha la reputazione di essere estremamente violenta. Francisco Javier Arellano Félix (11 dicembre 1969) è un criminale messicano.. Fratello di Ramon Arellano Félix, è un messicano ex signore della droga e leader del Cartello di Tijuana coinvolto in operazioni di contrabbando di droga dal Messico al Stati Uniti. Ramón è stato assassinato in uno scontro a fuoco con la polizia a Mazatlán, Sinaloa, il 10 febbraio del 2002. Eduardo was sought by Interpol in 180 countries, and the U.S. State Department had been offering USD$5,000,000 for information leading to his arrest. [citation needed]. Eduardo Arellano Félix (born October 11, 1956) is a Mexican drug trafficker, brother of Benjamín, Ramón, Javier and sister Enedina, all drug traffickers.The Arellano-Félix Organization, also known as the Tijuana Cartel, has been responsible for countless murders and the smuggling of thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine for more than a decade. United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, List of fugitives from justice who are no longer sought, "¿Who was Ramon Arellano Felix? Leading to his Most Wanted Fugitive listing in the United States, he had been charged in a sealed indictment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California, with Conspiracy to Import Cocaine and Marijuana in drug trafficking. According to Jesús Zambada García (alias "El Rey"), Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán ordered his execution. Eduardo Arellano Félix (born October 11, 1956) is a Mexican drug trafficker, brother of Benjamín, Ramón, Javier and sister Enedina, all drug traffickers. Francisco was extradited to the U.S. on September 16, 2006. Eduardo Arellano Félix (born October 11, 1956) is Mexican drug trafficker, brother of Benjamín, Ramón, Javier and sister Enedina, all drug traffickers. 21/03/2019 11:52. One of Mexico's most powerful drug lords and the supplier of one-third of the U.S.'s cocaine. Il contenuto è disponibile in base alla licenza, Localizzazione geografica dei principali gruppi criminali in Messico al 31 giugno 2013, Il circuito delle mafie, Limes Novembre 2013 p.96 di Edoardo Guerrero Gutierrez, Mexican drug runners may have used C-130 from Arizona, Ultima modifica il 30 set 2020 alle 23:54, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cartello_di_Tijuana&oldid=115805307, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Eduardo Arellano Félix es un narcotraficante mexicano oriundo de Sinaloa, pertenecía al cartel de los 'Arellano-Felix' o 'Cartel de Tijuana. At the time, the US State Department had been offering a reward of up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest. [citation needed]. Dopo la morte, nel 1997, di Amado Carrillo Fuentes del Cartello di Juárez, il Cartello di Tijuana cercò di guadagnarsi un appoggio a Sonora.[2]. Maggiore di sette fratelli, guidò l'organizzazione dall'inizio degli anni '90. The Arellano brothers were allegedly an inspiration for the two secondary characters of "the Obregón brothers", featured in the 2000 US film "Traffic". Enedina y Eduardo Arellano Félix tienen sobre el cártel y las células que lo integran des-de 2002 cuando asesinaron a Ramón Arellano Félix en Ma-zatlán y semanas después cap-turaron a su hermano Benja-mín en Puebla. He was the leader of the enforcement wing of the organization until his assassination on February 10, 2002. The Arellano-Félix Organisation, also known as the Tijuana Cartel, has been responsible for countless murders and the smuggling of thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine for more than a decade. [6] Arellano's older brother, Benjamín Arellano Félix, the cartel's mastermind, was arrested weeks later on March 9. Ramon Eduardo Arellano Félix (August 31, 1964 – February 10, 2002) was a Mexican drug lord who alongside his brothers founded and led the Tijuana Cartel (a.k.a. Eduardo Arellano Felix Eduardo Arellano Félix (born October 11, 1956) is a Mexican drug trafficker, brother of Benjamín, Ramón, Javier and sister Enedina, all drug traffickers. Francisco Rafael Arellano Félix (Culiacán, 24 ottobre 1949 – Los Cabos, 18 ottobre 2013) è stato un criminale messicano, signore della droga e capo del Cartello di Tijuana. On August 14, 2006, the youngest of the Arellano brothers, Francisco Javier Arellano Félix, was arrested with some associates at sea, by the United States Coast Guard. Este grupo delictivo ha sido responsable de innumerables asesinatos y del contrabando de miles de toneladas de marihuana, cocaína, heroína y … El portal de noticias Ultra difunde un video en donde se aprecia una fiesta que termina con el sonido de disparos. Arellano Félix had been linked by Mexican police to the 1998 massacre of twelve members of a family outside of Ensenada, Baja California. Organizzazione. Tras la detención, la casa quedó abandonada y la gente ha entrado furtivamente a buscar objetos de valor y a hacer brujeria... Por La Verdad. In the 2017 Netflix and Univision series, El Chapo, Rolf Petersen plays Ramón Avendaño (a fictionalized portrayal of Ramón Arellano Félix). Benjamín Arellano Félix: el narco que se vestía de policía, libra los cargos en México. Arellano Félix drew his gun and shot the police officer, who shot him back while falling to the ground. [citation needed], The only brother of the Arellano Félix cartel then at large, Eduardo Arellano Félix, was captured by the Mexican Army on October 26, 2008. [4] The act prohibited U.S. citizens and companies from doing any kind of business activity with him, and virtually froze all his assets in the U.S.[5], On February 10, 2002, Arellano Félix was killed in a gunfight in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, where he was stopped due to a traffic infraction by a Mexican police officer who did not know at the time who Arellano Félix really was. [3], On September 18, 1997, Ramon Arellano Félix became the 451st fugitive to be placed on the Ten Most Wanted list. Previously, she worked for the cartel behind the scenes as a money launderer, which she had done, to some degree, since she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from a private university in Guadalajara. [citation needed], On 1 June 2000, the United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned Ramón under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (sometimes referred to simply as the "Kingpin Act"), for his involvement in drug trafficking, along with eleven other international criminals. Die Familie Arellano Félix verließ in den späten 1970er Jahren Culiacán und begann, Kokain nach Los Angeles County zu schmuggeln, wo die Behörden von Benjamín und seinem Bruder Eduardo erfuhren, nachdem sie wegen des Besitzes von zwei Kilo Kokain verhaftet worden waren. According to a Mexican official, at the time of Eduardo Arellano Félix's capture, control of the cartel passed to Luis Fernando Sánchez Arellano, a son of Eduardo Arellano Félix's sister Alicia. Eduardo Arellano Félix was a Mexican drug trafficker and a member of the Tijuana cartel. The Arellano-Félix Organization, also known as the Tijuana Cartel, has been responsible for numerous murders and the smuggling of thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine for more than a decade. the Arellano-Félix Organization). Ramón ordinò un'esecuzione di massa dove persero la vita 18 persone a Ensenada in Bassa California, il 17 settembre del 1998. L'organizzazione ha la reputazione di essere estremamente violenta. La famiglia ha ereditato l'organizzazione dal loro zio Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo dopo la sua incarcerazione. Por: AFP. He served as second-in-command of the Tijuana Cartel along with his brother Benjamin Arellano Felix who was the Boss of the Tijuana Cartel. Eduardo Arellano-Felix To Serve 15 Years SAN DIEGO, CA - Eduardo Arellano-Felix, who acted as the chief financial officer of the notorious Mexican drug cartel that bears his family name, was sentenced today in federal court to 15 years in prison for laundering tens … February 2021", "Mexican drug runners may have used C-130 from Arizona", "18 Slain Execution-Style at Farm Near Ensenada", "DESIGNATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREIGN NARCOTICS KINGPIN DESIGNATION ACT", "An overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act", "Asesino, torturador y depredador de niñas: el perfil criminal de 'El Chapo' revelado en su juicio", U.S. Department of State rewards page for Ramón Arellano Félix, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán (2001–2014), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ramón_Arellano_Félix&oldid=1005911857, People sanctioned under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, People shot dead by law enforcement officers in Mexico, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana, This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 01:45. [2] Il Cartello di Tijuana è stato rappresentato nel combattimento contro il rivale Cartello di Juárez nel film del 2000 Traffic. Il 26 aprile 2008 quattordici membri di bande messicane dedite al narcotraffico sono stati uccisi e altri otto sono stati feriti durante uno scontro a fuoco avvenuto al confine con gli Stati Uniti. La famiglia Arellano Félix è formata da sette fratelli: Hanno anche quattro sorelle. Mexican drug trafficker and former leader of the Mexican criminal organization known as the Tijuana Cartel or "Arellano-Félix Organization". Ramón Arellano Félix murió en un enfrentamiento con la policía en el 2002. The Arellano-Félix family is a Mexican family infamous for their involvement in drug trafficking by leading the Tijuana cartel. A 2003 Mexican film, "El fin de los Arellano" ("The End of the Arellanos"), featured characters supposedly based on the Arellano brothers; however, its plot bore practically no resemblance to the actual events. La acusación refiere que Eduardo se reunió en la década de 1990 con Joaquín Guzmán, para mediar las diferencias entre los cárteles de Tijuana y de Sinaloa, que dirigían los hermanos Arellano Félix y El Chapo, respectivamente. Eduardo Arellano Félix, sentenciado a 15 años de prisión.
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