Latin Abbreviations of Comparison q.v. The word or phrase following the abbreviation should correspond exactly to the heading in the dictionary or encyclopedia so that the reader can find the precise entry being indicated. Read our website accessibility and accommodation statement. Because q.v. (Latin Terms in Referencing) If you want to sound smart and/or pretentious, dropping the odd Latin phrase into conversation is a good way to go. Writing Tips explains modern-day Canadian usage in a straightforward and uncluttered manner. A person, who is conversant with writing letters for correspondence, generally, becomes aware of these abbreviations and it is easier for him to understand the extension of abbreviation quickly. In some fields, including chemistry, medicine, computer science, and geographic information systems, acronyms are used so frequently that the reader can feel lost in an alphabet soup. This gives readers meaningful content that helps them remember what you’re talking about. The subjects were asked to describe their feelings (i.e., their moods, perceptions, and emotions) in the box provided on the survey form. The information contained in the parentheses tells the reader that, as far as Farmer Brown is concerned, apples, oranges and carrots are what constitute produce-they are equivalent. The average person could go through life never having to worry about most Latin abbreviations, but there are three that have become so widespread that they’re impossible to avoid: etc., i.e. Latin abbreviations can be a helpful shorthand, and they are often used in other kinds of writing. It indicates that a number or value is approximate, not exact. Search our website or email us. Throughout the Medieval and Renaissance times Latin, though extinct from the colloquial speech, had been the language of science and that of academic writing. should not be used. Table contents. Unless you’re an ancient Roman, of course. It is important to understand these abbreviations not only so that you can correctly interpret bibliographic citations, but also so that your citations can be accessible to your readers. Most of the time, though, Latin isn’t how we communicate these days. The abbreviation q.v. In both cases, punctuate as if the abbreviation were spelled out in the language in which you are writing. However, they can also cause a lot of confusion, and make communication unclear if they are not used with caution. Unlike in the case of acronyms, it is hard to define Latin abbreviations until you memorize them all. tends to emphasize the precision and exactness of what follows and is thus a stronger version of i.e. There are some Latin abbreviations that are common in academic writing. However, Latin abbreviations have been used when prescribing. Let’s take a look at each of them, what they mean and how they can be used. Some of these are common in everyday life, such as ‘e.g.’ (short for exempli gratia) and i.e. and e.g. The Latin Abbreviations i.e. would be more appropriate for a … (short for et cetera) means "and others." If all this Latin sounds confusing, blame the Romans. Use periods with these abbreviations.e.g. Also, being able to introduce such abbreviations into your text will make your writing appear more academic and scholarly. used in bibliographical entries for books, articles, or other publications that have several authors (usually four or more) in order to save space. or cir.). Since s.v. However, somewhere I read I should avoid them. In most cases, you don’t need to define this nickname the first time you use it, unless you’re using lots of different nicknames. Latin abbreviations dictation activities. You have probably seen the term versus or one of its abbreviation, vs. or v., in the names of court cases (for example, “Smith v. the State of North Carolina”). Introduction. For example: LOL = laugh out loud mins = minutes abbrv = abbreviation. In such cases, the name of the first author will be given in full and then followed by et al. Monday 10 am-8 pm EDT Tuesday 10 am-10 pm EDT Wednesday 8 am-8 pm EDT Thursday 10 am-8 pm EDT Friday 10 am-4 pm EDT Saturday Closed Sunday 3 pm-7 pm EDT, © 2021 The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License. You should not list all of the possible examples. For instance, the word ‘et’ (Latin for 'and') is never written out in full. are perhaps the most important Latin abbreviations for you to get acquainted with, there are other less common abbreviations that you may find useful in certain situations. In any given sentence, it’s often not immediately clear how i.e. Notice that switching the rocky planets and Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence. The abbreviation viz. About Latin terms and abbreviations Despite the fact that Latin is no longer the international language of scholars, bits and pieces of it can still be found scattered around. The Latin word passim means “here and there” or “throughout.” It is used when a particular word, phrase or idea is not restricted to just a few pages of a work, but occurs in many different places. Circa, which translates as “around” or “approximately,” usually appears with dates. 450 Ridge Road and e.g. Even if you decide that you don’t want to use Latin abbreviations in your own writing, you’re still going to encounter them in other texts. id est: that is: e.g. In grammar abbreviations can be somewhat tricky. Etymology and historical usage. Abbreviating References to Specific Pages in Source Texts. stands for et alii which translates as “and other people.” It is like etc., but it is used only for people. followed by a comma and the page number(s). There are many Latin abbreviations used in everyday English, such as “etc.,” “e.g.,” “i.e.,” and “N.B.” However, there are also many other Latin abbreviations in academic writing. You may see it in the main body of academic texts, in phrases such as “man versus nature,” “measured in kilograms versus pounds,” or “protectionism versus free trade.” Versus and its abbreviations also appear frequently in the titles of books and articles. Latin abbreviations and phrases. We hope that this handout will be useful to you as you decipher the Latin terms and abbreviations in your reading and perhaps begin to use them in your own writing! cit. Survey respondents ranked their choices in order of preference: first, second, third, and so forth. Da. The page is still under construction and I will be adding to this website over the term. Many Latin abbreviations are used in APA Style papers to save space. cit. List of Common Latin Abbreviations for APA Style . Latin Term Common Abbreviation Translation; A... ad: ad: to, up to : ad lib. Audio: You may find yourself wanting to use Latin abbreviations like “e.g.,” or “etc.” in your writing. When using grammar acronyms can be as well. (followed by a comma) to signal sample examples. ), but the rest should appear only in footnotes, endnotes, tables, and other forms of documentation. If this involves making a list, you should include all of the elements that make up that list. The rational for using any abbreviation is that is saves space: it takes fewer words to write etc. Periods are not used with abbreviations in APA Style (e.g., write “FBI” and “PhD” not “F.B.I.” and “Ph.D.”). is appropriate. For example, in a paper ab… (id est, Latin for “that is” or “in other words”) These terms are often misused. List page number 2 ... (That's Latin for before noon. Also, notice that N.B. In academic writing and in APA, we have particular parameters around … is used at the end of a list, it should be preceded by a comma just like the other elements of the list. is used. Despite the fact that Latin is no longer the international language of scholars, bits and pieces of it can still be found scattered around. Except for N.B., none of the abbreviations we’re about to discuss need to be italicized or capitalized. The subjects were asked to describe their feelings—that is, their moods, perceptions, and emotions—in the box provided on the survey form. If you find yourself using a Latin abbreviation in the main part of your sentence, instead write out what it stands for. Latin Abbreviations Need Punctuation. Also, listing them all wouldn’t add much to the sentence-readers don’t need to know the identity of every object orbiting the sun in order to understand the sentence. Prepare a text with lots of Latin abbreviations (or prepare at least ten unrelated sentences if it’s too difficult to make a single text combining all the abbreviations). The major style manuals (MLA, APA and Chicago) agree that Latin abbreviations should be kept out of the main body of a text-that is, they should not appear in ordinary sentences within ordinary paragraphs. Although this has changed, Latin expressions and abbreviations are still very common in scientific texts. Latin abbreviations in medicine (to name a few) M.D.S. The list of Latin abbreviations in Writing. Simply knowing what an abbreviation stands for and how to translate the underlying Latin words does not necessarily tell you how the abbreviation is used in actual modern practice. The best solution is to find a simplified name for the entity you want to abbreviate. If the information has already appeared in an earlier note, sup. For example, there are such abbreviations as “op cit.” (“in the work cited”), “ibid.” (“in the same place”), and “et al.” (“and others”). Some journals put all Latin abbreviations in italics, either with or … Example use . and id. You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Writing Center means) and remove any ambiguity about where additional information is located. An abbreviation (from the Latin, brevis, meaning short.) Although it is not strictly necessary to explain how these works are different, you might find it useful to include a short phrase for the benefit of your reader. Numbers in Latin. Give. for SI units see Prescription writing: WHO: World Health Organization : limited experience of the use of this product and the MHRA requests that all suspected adverse reactions should be reported, see Adverse reactions to drugs: no price available: Latin abbreviations. The abbreviation loc. The abbreviation ibid. stands for the Latin contraction scilicet which translates literally as “it is permitted to know,” but a more useful translation is “namely” or “as if to say.” It is often used to provide a clarification, remove an ambiguity, or supply an omitted word. above. (exempli gratia, Latin for “for example”) i.e. Zeller & Williams, 2007). Add the abbreviations dictation. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all of the examples of rocky planets in our solar system (they are a full and complete list, not just a few examples), so e.g. Abbreviation . The abbreviation etc. Why use Latin abbreviations in your writing? How to count in Latin (lingua Latina) with cardinal and ordinal numbers. There are a few generally accepted rules that apply to most Latin abbreviations. Latin abbreviations: e.g., i.e., et al. Consult the most recent edition of the appropriate style handbook to ensure that you’re using the proper format. The reader is expected to know how to locate this information without further assistance. For instance, a doctor from France can write a Latin prescription that an American doctor can quickly understand. are conventional in academic writing, and some readers may be more familiar with these abbreviations than their full (latin) form: id est and exempli gratia. "Now, pay attention!" Latin abbreviations are an effective way to use common argumentative phrases in parenthetical material without taking up much space or distracting your readers from the main ideas of your sentences. But academic writing uses other Latin abbreviations too. stands for quod vide, which translates literally as “which see,” although in practice it means something more like “for which see elsewhere.” It is used in notes after a word or phrase to indicate that more information can be found about the topic somewhere else in the current work. Notes for APA Style : ... All abbreviations in the first section should be used inside of parentheses only, that is, ... it is included here because it occurs in non-APA scholarly writing and readers may be otherwise unfamiliar with it. Key to abbreviations: m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. stands for a strict equivalence. Campus Box #5135 This abbreviation of exempli gratia (“for example”) is not only often left bereft of its periods (or styled eg. is preferred to loc. Instead, the scribes use an abbreviation mark, just as we often use … However, in the text of your paper, you should instead use the English translations of these abbreviations. You will generally see et al. ; it’s understood that there are more examples than those that you’ve given. — the abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "nota bene" (literally, "note well"). = ter in die = three times per day; Latin abbreviations in law (just a couple) corp. del. As with viz., it is generally acceptable to use i.e. Example use . Latin Abbreviations. Latin Abbreviations. Personally I think, they are. than to write et cetera or the English equivalent of ‘and others’. For example: Many other examples could be included in a list of objects in our solar system (like asteroids and moons), but it would take too much space and time to list them all. Make sure not to confuse “e.g.” and “i.e.”. Let’s look at some examples of how to use i.e. Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.) It isn’t necessary to use etc. stands for opere citato which translates as “in the work cited.” Generally, loc. The abbreviation “et al.” is used both inside and outside of parentheses. when the same author is cited but not the same page number. The similar abbreviation sc. : exempli gratiaIt means “for example.” Use e.g. Directions should be in English without abbreviation. These little remnants of Latin have had a long and colorful life separated from their original language and context. is the only Latin abbreviation that should be capitalized. is a more specific version of i.e. when you want to provide specific examples of a generalization.i.e. when you want to provide more specific information about something you mentioned.etc. Abbreviation . ), it’s also frequently confused for a similar abbreviation you’ll find below. in parentheses should be equivalent to what comes before-you should be able to switch them without changing the meaning of the sentence. Latin abbreviations. Category: Abbreviation in Academic Writing. 7. (short for id est). They are: e.g. … Since there is always the possibility that the reader won’t be able to find the information cited by q.v., it’s better to use a simple English phrase such as “for more on this topic, see pages 72-3” or “a detailed definition appears on page 16.” Such phrases are immediately comprehensible to the reader (who may not even know what q.v. However, when spelled in full, they are italicized. Score 94%. stands for et cetera, which translates literally as “and others” or “and the rest.” A more useful translation that can be substituted for etc. In general, it’s best to avoid using these abbreviations in the main text, especially in US English. if you wanted to make reference to something elsewhere in your paper; while c.f. They are used to indicate that information will be more fully explained or cited elsewhere. I’m not familiar with Hungarian abbreviations, but these are Latin terms which would have been customary to use in a Catholic record. This page is a resource for Doctor Wheeler's students in composition and literature. Certain abbreviations may be used in parentheses within the body of a text (etc., e.g., i.e. The virgine filia reference tells you that Catharine was the daughter of Stephanus and the filius cond notation indicates that Michael was the son of Georgii of Tarnok. : The Latin abbreviation etc. stands for the Latin contraction videlicet which translates literally as “it is permitted to see,” but a more useful translation is “namely” or “that is to say.” It is used to clarify something by elaborating on it, giving a detailed description of it, or providing a complete list. For example, AD stands for Anno Domini, which is Latin for the year of the Lord.. and e.g. as “but compare this to.” It is generally preceded by citations of works that are sources for the author’s argument and then followed by one or two examples of works that somehow differ from or depart from the argument. In general, are not Latin abbreviations more formal than "OK" or "&"? = Mix. Writing frequency is possibly the most commonly bothersome area. Luckily, there aren't many exceptions like this, so you don't have to worry too much about making a mistake. While it’s perfectly acceptable to use English phrases instead of Latin abbreviations, there’s a reason why these abbreviations have survived and continue to be used today: they contain a lot of meaning in a very small package. The abbreviation s.v. When you use them, try to substitute the abbreviation … Below you will find a table for all Latin abbreviations and their English alternatives. “compare” or “consult” (used to provide contrasting or opposing information) Abbott (2010) found supportive results in her memory experiment, unlike those of previous work (cf. Missing or misplacing a period is akin to misspelling for these abbreviations. eadem rather than sc. The phrase is: ‘Sciant presentes et futuri quod...’ It means ‘Know all here present and to come, that...’ Can you make out the letters in these four examples, from 1230, 1317, 1388 and 1452? Throughout history, terms come and terms go—and thankfully for most people, archaic expressions disappear. 0127 SASB North Latin Abbreviation Latin Phrase English Translation; i.e. Many Latin abbreviations are still used in English, though more usually in writing. at the end of a list introduced by "such as" or "including." List of Common Latin Abbreviations for APA Style . stands for the Latin word confer which means “compare.” It is primarily used in endnotes or footnotes to point readers to works that the author recommends referencing in comparison with the work at hand. Abbreviations (the shortened form of a word or phrase) and acronyms (words formed from the initial letters of a phrase) are commonly used in technical writing. Note taking symbols and note taking abbreviations! In general, you can replace both of these abbreviations with “see below” and “see above” without any change in meaning. In academic writing and in APA, we have particular parameters around when and how we can use Latin abbreviations. Never write "and etc." This handout will explain Latin terms and abbreviations you may see in academic writing, will demonstrate how to use the most common ones correctly in your own writing, and will present Latin abbreviations used as shortcuts in citations. to show that the list of four planets is equivalent to the rocky planets-they refer to the same thing. Punctuation matters. in formal academic writings? An abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase that is used in place of the whole. Latin Abbreviations. Score 95% ‘ibid.’ and ‘id.’ Abbreviations for References In Academic Writing . Therefore, it could be more appropriately translated as “yes, that’s actually what it says.” Depending on the style you’re using, sic is italicized and placed in brackets after the word or phrase it identifies (as in APA and Chicago), or it is simply placed in parentheses after the entire quote (as in MLA). My approach is to teach the terms that make up the frequency. Here are some terms for Frequency to keep in mind. Elsewhere on this site, we have articles on many confusing word pairs, such as effect and affect, lay and lie, bad and badly, and I and me.. points out three common Latin abbreviations that are never italicized: "e.g.," "et al." It might be useful to think of i.e. Abbreviations are simply a short version of a word of phrase. There are some Latin abbreviations that are common in academic writing. cit. at the end of a list following e.g. The English language, like many other languages of European and American continent, has its origin in Latin. List page number 2 : id estIt means “that is.” Use i.e. = corpus delicti = physical evidence, main evidence This handout will explain Latin terms and abbreviations you may see in academic writing and demonstrate how to use the most common ones correctly in your own writing. The first rule to follow is that Latin abbreviations are only appropriate to use within parentheses. (especially when reading aloud) is “and so on.” It is used at the end of a list to indicate that there are more elements to the list that are being left out so that the list doesn’t become too long. In general, if you use e.g., you should provide one or two short examples. Strictly speaking, what follows i.e. cit. Dec 4, 2014 - - Constant updates of the funniest, most awesome, & best entertaining stuff on the web! Instead, use short English phrases; it will be easier for you to write and for your reader to understand! Academic writing uses a lot of Latin abbreviations. cit. In contrast, The Writer’s online style guide states that there is “no need for full stops” when writing eg, ie or any abbreviations, acronyms or initialisms. is used to refer to the same work and page number(s) as the previous citation, while op. Objectives Introduction Preparation of Prescription Medications Prescription Examples Latin Terms and Common Abbreviations Drug Name Abbreviations Medical Abbreviations Drugs that Look and Sound Alike Prescription Product Labeling Resources. In some fields, including chemistry, medicine, computer science, and geographic information systems, acronyms are used so frequently that the reader can feel lost in an alphabet soup. They are: e.g. instead of viz. There are two Latin abbreviations that we commonly use in our writing. This will help you remember that i.e. As with most spelling variations, the main thing is to be consistent within a single document or piece of collateral such as a website. One notable exception: APA style allows writers to use the abbreviation et al. Like viz., sc. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License. The word prescription comes from the Latin word praescriptus. and sup. The abbreviations in this section are used primarily in notes and bibliographic entries in order to save space. when you want to further explain or rephrase a previous statement: “I like many TV shows (i.e., I’ll watch pretty much anything).” These abbreviations definitely do not mean the same thing, so be careful when you are selecting e.g. This page lists some of the most common Latin abbreviations, with meanings and explanations. Instead, use i.e. than “for example.” As an added bonus, using Latin abbreviations correctly can make your writing sound more sophisticated and scholarly. : et ceteraIt means “and so forth.” Use it when you’re providing a partial list of details. may both be acceptable, but using one or the other will drastically change the meaning of the sentence. If you can provide recordings, please contact me. If the information will appear in a later note (where a more complete citation or explanation is perhaps more appropriate), inf. stands for loco citato, which translates as “in the place cited,” whereas op. and op. Below you will find the most frequent Latin abbreviations and phrases, listed with their meaning, examples, and some tips about their usage. Until the end of the 18 th century, all scholarly books and articles were written in Latin. You might have seen ‘et al.’ (‘and others’), ‘ibid.’ (‘in the same place’) and ‘op cit.’ (‘in the work cited’) used for referencing sources.. Some of these bits are very common and are even seen in non-academic writing, while others are much more obscure. It takes less time and fewer characters to write e.g. is capitalized when it begins a note. Abbreviations (the shortened form of a word or phrase) and acronyms (words formed from the initial letters of a phrase) are commonly used in technical writing. In both cases, punctuate as if the abbreviation were spelled out in the language in which you are writing. there is a space (and no period) after et in this abbreviation. When you’re using a nickname for the main topic you’re writing about, don’t insult your users and waste their time. Best plagiarism checker of 2020; Plagiarism report & percentage; Largest plagiarism database; Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. More can be used, but only if they are simple and can be expressed in a single word or short phrase. and op. Italicization. Though occasionally misidentified as an abbreviated word, sic is a Latin adverb used in English as an adverb, and, derivatively, as a noun and a verb. So, for example, you might write “the construction of Stonehenge began around 3000 BCE” or “when Stonehenge began to be constructed (c. 3000 BCE).”. For example, ‘etc.’ which is the short form of the phrase et cetera. Do not use etc. The word sic means “thus” or “so” and is used in quotations to indicate that any strange aspects of a piece of text, such as errors in of grammar, spelling, or word choice, are part of the original text and not a typo. Using passim is not a way to avoid providing specific citations—instead, it indicates to the reader that the information being cited occurs frequently in the work and that he/she may want to use the table of contents or index to find specific examples. It is generally acceptable to use i.e. and i.e. stands for et alii which translates as “and other people.” It is like etc., but it is used only for people. Therefore, it might be more useful to read cf. as representing an equal sign (=). You might have seen ‘et al.’ (‘and others’), ‘ibid.’ (‘in the same place’) and ‘op cit.’ (‘in the work cited’) used for referencing sources. These are the two most often misused and confused Latin abbreviations-and for good reason. But academic writing uses other Latin abbreviations too. Placing a Period After Each Letter in an Acronym or an Initialism: Though there are exceptions, as a general rule omit the periods: NATO, DVD, IBM. By Marina Pantcheva. Notes for APA Style : Used inside of parentheses only . Acronyms are a kind of abbreviation that is formed from the first letters (letters or syllables) of a word or phrase. Mark. is a shortened form of a word or phrase used almost exclusively in print. Although this has changed, Latin expressions and abbreviations are still very common in scientific texts. “et ” means “and” in Latin; writing “and etc.” makes you sound like an ignoramus* “et al.” (et alii) means “and others” Use exclusively to denote additional authors in reference citations Note that “et” is not followed by a period, because it is not an abbreviation “The work of Jones et al.1 established the scaling Below is a list common symbols and abbreviations for note taking that you should learn to speed up your writing. cit. Both appear inside parentheses and offer extra information that helps explain what’s come before. In this sense, viz. The abbreviations loc. That's the basic meaning of N.B. If you cite the same source but a different page number, you can use ibid. Ibid., Op Cit., Et Al. are different. 6. Latin Abbreviations. Introduction: In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak explains some of the old terms—many of them derived from Latin—that genealogists encounter during their family history research.Mary is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In some instances, i.e. confer: compare: c.v. curriculum vitae: curriculum vitae: ead. The one exception, of course, is in academic writing. This is the Latin abbreviation for “id est,” meaning “that is.” Use i.e. is no longer recognizable to most modern readers, it is better to use a simple English phrase such as “see the Oxford English Dictionary; look under grape” or something similar. Doctoral Capstone Preproposal Starter Kit, APA Formatting & Style: Latin Abbreviations (video transcript), website accessibility and accommodation statement, Office of Student Experiential Learning Services. The task is made a bit harder because the scribes liked to abbreviate long or common words. are old forms used in bibliographic citations similar to ibid. is similar to i.e., although viz. If all this Latin sounds confusing, blame the Romans. Abbreviations are still very common and are even seen in non-academic writing, while op second sentence, the ‘et’... Most of the sentence focuses on common Latin abbreviations are latin abbreviations in writing to the. Changing the meaning of produce there is a shortened form of a named. Claim them as its own these bits are very common in scientific.... Papers to save space that covered stronger version of a list common symbols and abbreviations are used in of. Waste their time just like the other elements of the Lord cited, ” usually appears dates. In place of the appropriate Style handbook to ensure that you should not list all the... And remove any ambiguity about where additional information is located should avoid.! 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Is perhaps more appropriate ), it’s also frequently confused for a … Latin abbreviations in medicine ( name! Est, Latin for “that is” or “in other words” ) these terms are often used in APA we. Thus, in this abbreviation of exempli gratia, Latin isn’t how we these...: the Latin phrase which commonly occurs in title deeds without further assistance daily by writers, therefore.... Out three common Latin abbreviations are used ( and no period ) after et in manner. ; Largest plagiarism database ; Scribbr plagiarism checker of 2020 ; plagiarism report & percentage Largest..., ” or “etc.” in your writing appear more academic and scholarly vitae: ead a widow a... The only Latin abbreviation in the parentheses provides a few generally accepted rules that apply to most Latin are. The entity you want to abbreviate long or common words comes from the first sentence, instead out... Bit harder because the scribes liked to abbreviate derived from the Latin term others..., so you do n't have to worry too much about making a list, it 's useful recognise... The main text, especially in US English interpreting these works example of a man named Gregorij technical writing concise. A very important and useful difference between these two abbreviations and to write et cetera: so... Languages of European and American continent, has its origin in Latin in which are. Others are much more obscure recommends to avoid Latin abbreviations used in research manuscripts as they can help make complex. The precision and exactness of what follows and is thus a stronger version of man... Abbreviations more formal than `` OK '' or `` including. before meal will be given in....
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latin abbreviations in writing 2021