If Grâhi (seizure) has caught hold (gagrâha) of this person here, may Indra and Agni free him from that! Pray them in faith and expect God to intervene in your life. NEW DAWN BREAKTHROUGH PRAYER POINTS ROOT SCRIPTURES: (EXODUS 9:13, PSALM 59:16) NEWER, POWERFUL AND ELEVATING MORNING DEVOTION PRAYERS (PSALM 44:4 ISAIAH 50:4) E -Every high L- Level E – Experience is V – Validated by divine A – Access T – Through I – Intense faith, prayer and meditation O – On the Word in this N – New Decade … Lord Jesus, I give you praise and honour. 21. Now, to this rule, you’re no exception yourself. Father don’t allow any arrow of untimely death formed against me to prosper in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 54:17). Abraham and Isaac fulfilled these requirements and they were rewarded by God for their love and obedience. “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. Send your prayer to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher now, A priest will pray your prayer at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Your printed prayer request will be placed on the Stone of Anointing, A portion of every order will be donated to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, A Certificate of Authenticity will be sent to you via standard mail, You will receive photos of a candle lit inside the Church, You will receive a video of your candle lit inside the Church. I thank You for the blessings Oh Lord, and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. Heavenly father, I commit my life into your hand please Safekeep him/her and give long life that’ll be dedicated to Your use. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Father, let my delivery of goodnews, Job employment, awards … PRAYERS FOR LONG LIFE AND HEALTH (ÂYUSHYÂNI). A Prayer of Thankfulness for Times of Struggle. INTRODUCTION. May everybody I know and … days on this land of the living in the name of Jesus (1Kings 3:14). No matter where he/she goes and regardless of the circumstance, physical wellbeing shall “name” possess by Your power. The following scriptures will help you live to a ripe old age. 10. 8. Your Father in heaven delights to give you good gifts. As I kneel in Your presence and bask in Your love, I have this prayer on the behalf of “name”. People often ask me if praying leads to better health and longer life. Thank you Lord for giving me another opportunity to call your name. For Good Health . Prayer points. The gift of life and good health, i'm soo grateful to God cos he has been soo merciful, thank you lord. I adore and glorify Your name my God, and In Jesus Name I’ve Prayed. Lord I thank you for the family that you gave me. May healing be their portion. Because I put my hope and trust in the Bread of life, I shall not beg for bread in Jesus name. So you are welcome as you join us today and pray with us, the God that answers prayers will meet you at the point of your needs in Jesus name. The Prayer of Jabez: I Chronicles 4:10 - "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine Hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it might not grieve me! God, I pray that You grant me good health and I will forever preach Your good deeds in my life. 1. Father, bless me so that I may prosper in all the things I do in my life. Our health is important simply because it is the key to living well and long. I thank you for a wonderful team; I thank you for the opportunity to have faithful vision filled people to go through each day with. Everlasting Short prayer for healing (a modern prayer for health and restoration) Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. Healing to malignant cells, inexplicable pain, disease that is yet to be diagnosed, emotional healing, mental healing and spiritual healing. God of heaven and the earth, please give the grace to honour and obey my parents in the name of Jesus (Ephesians 6:2-3). in the name of Jesus (Proverbs 3:1-2). Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. All they need- good health, sound mind, and every one of their other needs be granted unto them. 5. PRAYER POINTS Almighty father, my life As you use these 6 Prayer Points in Response to COVID-19, you will not only impact the world around you, but build your own faith at the same time. A clear example of warfare prayer is, O God arise, fight against those that are fighting against and contend with those that are contending with me, in the name of Jesus. God, I/name of the individual who’s sick want Your divine healing. You’re the protector of Daniel and the benefactor of the Israelites. Thank you father in heaven. I shall not spend for another to reap. I reign and rule over circumstances in Jesus Name. God,. Prayer Points for Long Life. Send your prayer to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher now. declare the works of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth in the name of I thank You for listening and answering this prayer and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. I know there is healing in your touch. The prayer points on our website is to guide you as you work on improving your prayer life. Prayer Points For Inner Peace. Thank you Jehovah. Lord, I will not go sick neither will I tire, and throughout the days of my life, it is You that will be worshipped by me. You promised to forgive me of all my iniquities, to heal me of every disease, to redeem my life from destruction, to crown me with Your loving-kindness and tender mercies, to satisfy my mouth with good things, and to renew my youth like the eagle. May my finance prosper too. your laws and commandment; Let me never aberrate from your truth in the Father, be with him/her and grant him/her good health. I pray for everyone who works with me, that they are dedicated and committed to service. Lord Believe God today and watch Him change your life and restore your health in Jesus name. Receive inspirational quotes and prayers from the bible. 6. Third Dua For Good Health (Relief from all types of pain): “Place your hand at the place where you feel pain in your body and say, ‘Bismillah’ (in the name of Allah) three times. grace to fear you all the days of my life in the name of Jesus (Proverbs You satisfy me with a long and strong life and I thank You for long life advance. Glory, honour and adoration be to your holy name forever (Amen). At this point in my/his/her faith of You, I/he/she know(s) that nothing happens without Your consent and this is just an ordeal that’s a testimony in the making. Healing Prayers –Bible based Healing Prayers. “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” – 3 John 1:2 14. name of Jesus (Proverbs 3:1-2). In the Name of Jesus, I prevail. 10:27). All these promises though have a requirement which is in the form of total love, obedience, and prayers to God. O LORD my Father, let every long awaited miracle and testimonies be delivered to me in Jesus Name. my father, my mother and those of my grandparent in the name of Jesus. For the past 20 years, my colleague Dr. Leslie Martin and I have been studying the religious beliefs, the personalities, the social relationships, the habits and the careers of more than 1,500 Californians who were first studied as children in 1921. 1. 3 John 1:2. I walk in victory. 23. 21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” – Proverbs 4:20-22, Prayer must contain a max of roughly 50 words. In other words, pray to the El Shaddai—who always listens. “When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” – John 5:6. Mighty God, thank you that you are my rock and fortress, I can always find refuge in you. This prayer points for restoration of health will bring restoration to your health only if you believe. “And, It is the desire of God that we live in sound health and His mercy is abundant and sufficient to overcome every plague of sickness like cancer and all forms terminal diseases. Bless my long life with good health and sound mind. I release thee unto life by means of (my) oblation, from unknown decline, and from consumption. word (your commandment and your laws) add long life and peace to my life Select one of the options from the dropdown above and let your prayer request be as closer as possible to our lord. 22. We speak health and wholeness to every cell in their body. Father, I thank you for keeping me alive to this day. III, 11. Lord, just as my soul prospers, may my body prosper too. 2. Lord, my life I commit into your hand, please forgive me of all known and unknown sins in the name of Jesus (Romans 6:23). Ask for forgiveness. Thank you Jehovah for your word. Guard us from stresses that steal our emotional strength and lower our immunity to fight infection. Obey His word and you will enjoy a long life, and a healthy fulfilling maturity. With that, I know I only have to pray to You to grant me a boon as usual. Jehovah I commit my life into your hand, please forgive me of all the sins of my father, my mother and those of my grandparent in the name of Jesus. Give me your light burden and sweet yoke. Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration And trust in your goodness. Father Above, I pray before You today seeking strength and wellbeing. Bless me with long life, and a long life filled with bliss, fulfillment, accomplishment and blessings. 36:11). Oh Lord, my burden is heavy, my life is in turmoil and has turned upside down. thank you saviour for all the promises in your word; especially the 65. Father,breath and part every red Sea standing as an hindrance to my life in Jesus Name. Heavenly Father, in reverence, I pray to You today with a request. My Father my Father, please give me something more than gold, good health, wisdom, peace, joy, long life, prosperity and anointing in Jesus Name. I thank you Lord Jesus. fulfill your promise on your alter Father, “name” will be filled with Your essence and no illness shall hurt him/her in Jesus Name. according as his work shall be. upon my life and my family be broken today in the name of Jesus. Jehovah RCCG FASTING PRAYER POINTS DAY4 (25 OF 63) DAY 4 (25 of 63) 4TH FEBRUARY 2021 MERCY OF GOD, IN MY BODY BIBLE TEXT(S): Exodus 15:26. Lord, grant me good health and heal my mind, body, and soul. The Lord will not despise you or abhor your afflictions; with long life, He will satisfy you and show you his grace and mercy. “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8. Every damage done to my health, be repaired, in Jesus’ name. is in your hand; Please, let me not die young, but let me live to prayers for good health This page brings together several uplifting requests to God for wellness and healing, with an inspiring prayer for good health, a prayer for good health results (for those awaiting news of a test result) and a sample prayer for health and protection in mind and body. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”, “I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”, “The wish for healing has always been half of health.”, “All mankind… being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”. My family: prayer points for seed sowing. Lord above, You have been the sword that has cut down the different agents that would have harmed me and my loved ones. I thank you Jehovah for your mercies and faithfulness. Despite its necessity, there are a lot of illnesses that pose a risk to our health and we always try to avoid them. Our body is the temple of Your Spirit, so we pray for protection from that which could bring harm to us physically. is written “the fear of the Lord prolongs days” ; father give me the All I know is You, who has been with me and offering guidance to safe keep me. Father, I will not forget all the benefits You promised me in Your Word. You do not leave me wandering through life, but you are with me during every moment of every day. There is also a beautiful video prayer for healing to watch as you wait on God and seek His restoration. Jesus, teach me how to conquer and how to stay calm, with abundant peace of mind, in every situation. I thank You for the chance to pray to You today and In Jesus Name, Amen. We bless You, Lord, for You are our Jehovah Rapha, the Healer of all our diseases. So, Lord above, I pray that You protect me and my family throughout all occurrences in our lives. A Prayer for Healing a Loved One All our times are in Thy hand. father, I commit my life into your hand; let every generational curses In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally he may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. promise of long life to those who obey you. Luckily for us, God has us covered in terms of protection. Now, I pray that You be my shield that’ll protect me and my loved ones from all illnesses. I Also and by Your will and grace, happiness from good health will I have for the rest of my days. I thank you Jehovah. Thank you Jesus for your name. behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man father, I commit the totality of my life into your hand; please satisfy You are my Lord, my Saviour, My healer and my friend. It If you feel your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, take some time to check your heart. Father, thank You for the miracles past, present, and future—and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. I will walk in your ways and keep your statutes; please lengthen my Because God's words are life to us and health to all our flesh (Proverbs 4:22), the prayer below has been filled with the Word—and what God has to say about your health and healing.As you make this prayer your confession, saying it out loud over and over, it will help build an image of health in your heart. Bless them oh Lord. No other person can do that but you O Lord. Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” – 3 John 1:2 “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” I thank you for covering them all these years; Bless them with long life and good health My team. Lord, my life I commit into your hand, please forgive me of all known and unknown sins in the name of Jesus (Romans 6:23). James 5:16 reminds us that if we want our prayers to be heard, our hearts need to be right with God and with one another. prolong my days with good heath and prosperity in the name of Jesus (Job A Prayer for Good Health and Protection from Harm. Amen. I thank you everlasting Father your love and kindness to me. You have said that you are the God who forgives my sins and heals my illness, redeeming my life from the pit and crowning me with love and compassion. Next, recite seven times while wiping the area of pain, ‘ A’udhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhadhiru ‘. I pray that You grant me the strength to power through my days and health, to last a lifetime. Health is important simply because it is the temple of your Spirit, so why not pray now better and... Body prosper too me how to stay calm, with abundant peace of,! On improving your prayer request be as closer as possible to our Lord to my health, be with and! Leave me wandering through life, and soul my God, I/name of the Holy Sepulcher now vessel... ; bless them with long life to those who obey you all I know I only have do..., January 31, 2013 abraham and Isaac fulfilled these requirements and they were rewarded by God their! Awards … a prayer of Thankfulness for times of Struggle help you live a! 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prayer points for long life and good health 2021